Time schedule#
Point type time schedule can be used to define weekly schedule for DO point directly, defining weekly schedule used in IEC program and defining weekly alarm forwarding schedule.
Schedule info#
Schedule name: Unique name for the point inside the FX-controller. Any other point cannot have the same name.
Description: Used to describe the point.
Schedule detail#
Default type
State text: Select state text group for displaying point state in text mode states instead of numbers.
Default value: This can be used together with setting “Follow type after day changes:” To control the time schedule after day change. The Follow type after day changes has to be selected to “Default value”.
Use exception days: If selected the time schedule will follow calendar time schedules special days E1, E2 and E3.
Follow type after day changes: Last value follows the last value the time schedule had before day changed. Default value defaults to value selected in setting “Default value”.
Synchronize: Dictates if this time schedule is synchronized with other FX-Controllers.
Picture: Select a process picture that will be opened when clicking graphics symbol on point settings of this point.
Creating time schedule#
Creating time schedule is done by navigating to page: Automation -> Time schedules and opening the time schedule point with edit. On page Table there is table of time schedules of the point.
To add new time schedule click add and select add again. There opens window which has following options.
Set time: Select the time when the operation happens.
Set value: This gives time schedule value with state and value below or to default based on selection.