Calendar is used to define exceptions of normal week schedule.
Normally time schedule follows day of week according to real time calendar.
Normal Calendar Days#
With substations’ calendar you can define exceptions when some other day of week is used. Selectable days are Mo..Su and exception days E1,E2,E3 and a specific timeschedule (after version 12.13). Some calendar events may be deleted automatically if they will not occur anymore.
As of version 12.13, multiple events can be defined for a single day. How a time schedule determines which event type to use is defined in Fx2025 Point programming - Time schedule - Day priorities.
Calendar can be found usermode -> calendar. Event can be added by clicking a date on calendar UI in clicking Events from the top of the screen (this can also be found from usermode -> Time Schedules).
List is defined in text file /HDisk/Fidelix/Data/Holiday.dat, one event in every line. Line must have date ( and day of week
Starting from version 8.00 it is also possible to define list of holidays. List may have up to 1000 events. Note! Holidays cannot be used for a timetable if it is defined as a BACnet server object.
0..6 = Mo .. Su
7,8,9 = E1,E2,E3
10,11 = H1,H2
Example file:
2005.12.06 11
2005.12.24 11
2005.12.25 11
2005.12.26 11
2005.12.31 10
2006.01.01 11
2006.04.30 11
2006.05.01 11
Starting from version 11.01 there is a sample file in Bin folder. You can activate it by copying it to Data folder.
Sample file has day 10 (H1) defined. If you want to use for example sunday times change day for every event to 6.
Use interface of calendar has color codes for different type of events - today has green border - repeated exception event is red - one time exception event is blue - holiday is black
New date options#
How exception dates are defined has changed in version 12.13 in order to conform to BACnet standard.
New date options can be used to create more complex and different ways of repeating events with only few actual calendar entries. New options consist of Date (with some wildcard options), Daterange, and Week And Day (Only wildcard -based options).
Examples can be found in Calendar Examples
Time schedule specific events#
As of version 12.13, time schedule specific events can be added to the calendar. These events will then only apply to that given time schedule. Time schedule is added by clicking the Target Timetable -field in the bottom of the calendar event -dialog. What happens on that event can be defined by clicking the clock next to the selection field or from any place where time schedules can be edited.